about us
How are the administrative costs covered?
All charities, large or small, incur costs in relation to receiving, processing & managing donations, fundraising, marketing, labour costs, utility bills and rents. At Al Miftah, your donations will go to your intended cause but we will claim the Gift Aid (tax relief claimed on donations) and use these funds to cover our administrative costs as the primary source of funds. In the event that the administrative and fundraising costs exceed the value of reclaimed Gift Aid, we will aim to use your generous donations in the most effective way possible, whilst remaining as transparent as possible!
Which individuals receive a salary? All Al Miftah trustees and members of Senior Management donate their time to the charity on a voluntary basis. They don’t receive any remuneration for their time, skills or experience. Al Miftah’s overseas staff are local residents who come from the communities they serve, ensuring that the wages they receive go back into the local community and economy.
That said, all of our income is used to help people in need because admin and fundraising costs are essential expenditure in helping us to achieve our aims.
Board of Trustees
Mohamed Inoon has supported a number of humanitarian teams for over 18 years as a volunteer. A highly trusted member of his local Slough community, he has worked with various award-winning charity organizations and mosques in the UK.
He is also a member of The Institute of Export & International Trade and holds a Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Inoon works as an independent UK-based air, road freight forwarding, and customs clearance agent.
Above all, Inoon immensely enjoys donating his time and expertise to Al Miftah as an unpaid Trustee to achieve the aims of the charity.
Annissa is an entrepreneur and holds the position of Director of a number of companies. Having acquired a diverse skillset through her business experience, Annissa works closely with, and is supported by, the Board of Scholars to synthesise her enterprising plans and business acumen alongside the Islamic backing to make a change in both the humanitarian and Islamic Educational sectors.
Having served as one of the Founders of IslamHood Youth Tarbiya, Annissa has been part of the Senior Management team for Al Miftah Institute and Al Miftah Aid, serving as executive decision-maker since 2013.
Annissa is impassioned to act as Trustee for Al Miftah, donating her time and skillset on an unpaid basis
Shabnam completed her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of the West of England in 2002. She then completed a PhD at the University of Bristol, after which she worked as a Researcher in the field of Alzheimer’s disease for 8 years. During this time, she was a member of a number of committees including the South West Dementia Brain Bank local management committee and the Chairperson of a charity providing care services to the South Asian Community in Bristol & South Gloucestershire for 5 years.
Shabnam has been volunteering for IslamHood Youth Tarbiya since 2017 alongside Al Miftah Institute and now Al Miftah Aid.
Shabnam is delighted to have been appointed Trustee of Al Miftah, to whom she donates her time and experience on an unpaid basis.
Adrees has been involved in charitable endeavours from a young age and has honed his specialist Graphic Design & Branding skills over a number of years. Now a Director of a range of companies, he immensely enjoys using innovative advances in technology and resources to further the aims of the charity and streamline processes to maximise efficiency.
Adrees is a much-loved member of the IslamHood Youth Tarbiya faculty and his interests lie in being able to make a change in the humanitarian and Islamic Educational sectors using his creative aptitude and experience.
Adrees is a dedicated Trustee of Al Miftah, donating his time and abilities on an unpaid basis.
Board of Scholars
Ustadh Mohsin Ashraf enjoyed a private educational background at a prestigious secondary school, before completing his undergraduate studies, BSc Biomedical Sciences, at Royal Holloway, University of London.
He then embarked on the Alimiyyah Programme at Ebrahim College - an undergraduate level course on Shari'ah & Islamic Theology which encompasses an in depth study of subjects such as Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and the principles of Tafseer, Hadith and Fiqh. It also included an advanced study of classical Arabic and courses on history, leadership, politics, and philosophy. Ustadh Mohsin graduated from this Programme in 2019 and proceeded to study the Dawrah al-Hadith, before graduating in Summer 2020.
An avid investor/entrepreneur, Ustadh Mohsin holds the position of Director of a number of companies and has a keen interest in Islamic Finance. Having served as Founding Director of Al Miftah Institute for the most part of a decade, Ustadh Mohsin saw that due to his unique synthesis of Islamic knowledge and extensive business experience, there was the opportunity to continue serving the local and wider community through ethical distribution of charity. By combining the diverse skillset he has refined since 2012, Ustadh Mohsin has developed a robust system of distributing general charity and Islamic obligatory/Sunnah charity using Islamic parameters to ensure transparency, fairness and honesty.
Ustadh Mohsin is a key figure in syllabi development for both IslamHood Youth Tarbiya and Al Miftah Institute, working closely with other scholarly colleagues to ensure an effective mode of disseminating sacred Islamic knowledge to both children and adults.
Where Ustadh Mohsin requires more clarity or advice on a certain issue, he does reach out to Senior Shayookh and his own teachers to ensure totally accurate representation of Islamic concepts.
Ustadh Mohsin is an unpaid Trustee of the charity and has committed to ensuring a broad range of Trustees with a unique skillset who are keen to donate their time, experience and knowledge in serving the global community.